Crochet Boho Chic Summer Top – Free Pattern Based on Picture

Hi darlings and welcome to a personal challenge of mine: creating a pattern from scratch based on a picture ( or several) of a designer crocheted item.
Many of our Facebook fans repeatedly ask for written English patterns. Since we are ready to accommodate their desires this post is the first pattern by Crochet patterns to Try Brand written from scratch without any aiding chart.

So without any other introduction here goes:
Yarn recommendation: Cotton, worsted or mercerized, yarn size : 3 ( medium) , crochet hook: 3 mm.
This combination of yarn and hook will result in a loose structure , boho chic looking finish , very practical flow of the final product.
How to start:
  1. Measure the bottom. Imagine how long will you want the top to be. Measure the body circumference around that line. Divide the measurement in 2. On each side of the resulted halves add 1 inch.

1.      Chain accordingly to the measurement, multiple of 9
2.     Ch4, 1tr in the next ch and in each chain until the end of the row, ch 1 turn.
3.     *Sk 3, 7 tr in the next ch ( fan stitch), sk 3, 1sc in the next ch* repeat** till the end of the row, ch4 , turn
4.     *Ch 3 (more),1sc in the 4th tr from the “fan stitch” below, ch3 , 1tr on top of the 1sc below* repeat** till the end of the row, ch4 , turn
5.     Work 3 tr in each 3ch space and 1tr on top of each sc , ch1 , turn.

Repeat 3, 4 and 5 until the underarm section.

Measure how long you will want the sleeve to be and make sure you increase on both sides with multiples of 9 by chaining additionally to the last “4” ( row sequence) so you will be able to work the first row increase working the tr row.( 5)

Our recommendation is to increase only 1 multiple of 9 to each side.

Continue working up.

Shape the neck opening:

In the last tr crochet row (5) work the row as described but for the center of the half make the scoop by working dc instead of tr on top of 4 or 5 “fans” .
Continue by working only on the sides decreasing 1 stitch ( work the last 2tr tog)on the neck opening side for the next 2 rows. Normally you need 4 or 5 rows of tr on each side.

You are done with the front.

Repeat for the back making sure you work the same number of stitches.

Join the sides leaving room for the arm opening .

Work a dc border around the scoop neck( 1dc in each ch).
             And you are done. :)
             Have fun making this because we surely had.

It results in a boho chic top you can wear with pants , maxi skirt, maxi dress,  shorts or cropped distressed jeans for a gipsy inspired look.

I hope you like this post . And…as usually I ask you to share it far and wide so as many crochet fans as possible will benefit from this info.

Please join us on Facebook, Pinterest and Google + for more exciting projects and ideas to make this amazing craft easier to master.

and have a fun weekend



  1. Thank you for this pattern! I made my own top following it, I will be presenting the results on my blog as soon as I figure out how to photograph something bigger than a necklace ;)) Thanks again! :))

    1. Donde está el patrón no lo encontré, y la traduccción no me sirvió , disculpa

    2. Donde está el patrón no lo encontré, y la traduccción no me sirvió , disculpa

    3. El patrón es el texto, que lo ha hecho la autora basándose en la foto.

    4. El patrón es el texto, que lo ha hecho la autora basándose en la foto.

    5. could someone explain the increase part to me xx

  2. I don't understand how you increase at the underarms...could you please explain??

  3. I found this pattern wrong...In the begining I chained multiple of 8 and in row 5 I did a tr on top of the tr below..And that is how I count the stiches in the foto, and i have undone my work three times before realising it was wrong

  4. I also don't understand the increase part, could you maybe explain ? xx

    1. You add one "fan" at each side:

      "Our recommendation is to increase only 1 multiple of 9 to each side." = 1 fan

      You chain 9, turn and work the pattern on it.

      But my pattern is only a multiple of 8. ;)

  5. Please someone help me with the underarm increase. I have tried everything and can't figure it out. It doesn't look right. When do you add the 9 chains? At the end of row 3 I just don't understand. Please someone help me.

  6. Hi. Thanks for the pattern. I loved it. Can you tell me how much yarn will I need for this project?

  7. Hello, Thank you so much for the nice pattern. I am trying it fir a birthday gift for a daughter. I believe the confusion about the "continue working on sides" and the "decreases" (not increases) means on the sides if the neck opening. You decrease by working two tr to right beside where the neck hole will be. Those three rows of trebles will actually be over the shoulders. I may be wrong but that's what I am doing.

  8. in row 4, do i just chain 3 after the first TR, OR is it 7?


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